How To Make Whole Milk (From Heavy Cream, Skim, Evaporated, Powdered Milk)

Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash

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Are you sick of having to stock up on a variety of milk for your varied culinary needs? What if you could create whole milk from scratch using things you already have in your kitchen?

In this article, we will examine the many ways in which whole milk can be reconstituted from its component parts, including heavy cream, skim milk, evaporated milk, and powdered milk.

Stop buying milk in several containers and welcome greater flexibility into your kitchen.


How to Make Whole Milk From Milk Powder?

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide you can use to make whole milk from milk powder:

Step 1: Gather The Ingredients and Equipment:

  • Milk powder
  • Egg powder
  • Vegetable oil
  • Sweet cream (optional, for re-fattening with butterfat)
  • Gravy shaker or blender
  • Measuring cups
  • Mixing spoon or whisk
  • Milk jug or container

Step 2: Prepare The Ingredients

Measure the desired amount of milk powder, egg powder, and vegetable oil based on the quantity of milk you wish to create.

Step 3: Mix Milk and Egg Powder

In a gravy shaker or blender, add the milk powder first. This will ensure better dissolution.
Add the egg powder to the milk powder in the shaker or blender.

Seal the gravy shaker or blender and shake vigorously for several minutes. If using a blender, blend on a medium to high setting for about 1 to 2 minutes. This step is crucial to achieve a uniform mixture of milk and egg powder.

Step 4: Add Vegetable Oil

After the milk powder and egg powder are well combined, add the vegetable oil to the mixture in the shaker or blender.

Step 5: Emulsify the Mixture

Shake the gravy shaker vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes to emulsify the mixture. If using a blender, blend again for a short time at medium speed.

Step 6: Prepare Milk Jug

In a clean milk jug or container, pour the desired amount of water that corresponds to the quantity of milk you want to create.

Step 7: Add the Emulsified Mixture

Carefully pour the emulsified mixture of milk powder, egg powder, and vegetable oil into the milk jug with water.

Step 8: Shake or Stir

Seal the milk jug and shake it vigorously to mix the emulsified mixture with the water. Alternatively, you can use a mixing spoon or whisk to thoroughly combine the mixture.

Step 9: Storage and Emulsion Maintenance

Your milk mixture will stay in suspension for a period of time due to the emulsification of oil and egg powder. However, over time, the fats in the milk might separate and float to the top.
If you observe separation, give the milk jug a quick shake before each use to remix the contents.

Step 10: Optional Re-Fattening with Sweet Cream

If you want to enhance the fat content and flavor of your milk-like beverage, you can add a small amount of sweet cream to the reconstituted milk and shake or blend it again.


How to Make Whole Milk From Skim Milk?

If you find yourself with skim milk on hand but need whole milk for a recipe, don’t worry – there are easy ways to transform it into a suitable substitute. With a few simple steps, you can have whole milk in no time.

Gather Your Ingredients

To make whole milk from skim milk, you’ll need the following ingredients:

The following are the components required to convert skim milk into whole milk:

  • Low-fat milk
  • Spreadable butter (or nonfat dry powdered milk, if you want)
  • Tools for Measurement
  • Water

Option 1: Adding Butter Method

If you have butter on hand, this method is quick and straightforward. Here’s how to do it:

  • Get out a measuring cup and pour the required amount of skim milk into it.
  • Two teaspoons of butter per cup of skim milk should be melted in a separate container. Stir constantly as you slowly add the melted butter to the skim milk.
  • You can now use your previously skim milk in any recipe calling for whole milk.

Option 2: Using Dry Evaporated Nonfat Powdered Milk Method

If you don’t have butter available, you can use dry evaporated nonfat powdered milk instead. Follow these steps:

  • Get out a measuring cup and pour the required amount of skim milk into it.
  • One cup of water and a third of a cup of dry evaporated nonfat powdered milk should be combined in a separate container.
  • Keep stirring until all of the powdered milk has dissolved. Stir constantly, and gradually add the mixture to the skim milk.
  • You can now use your previously skim milk in any recipe calling for whole milk.

Option 3: Water and Evaporated Milk Method

If you don’t have butter or dry evaporated nonfat powdered milk, you can use a combination of water and evaporated milk. Here’s how to do it:

  • Get out a measuring cup and pour the required amount of skim milk into it.
  • Half a cup of water and half a cup of evaporated milk should be mixed together in a separate container.
  • Blend ingredients together by stirring thoroughly.
  • Stir constantly and gradually add the mixture to the skim milk. Y
  • ou can now use your previously skim milk in any recipe that requires whole milk.


How To Make Whole Milk From Evaporated Milk?

Here’s how you can make whole milk from evaporated milk:

Step 1: Determine the Amount of Whole Milk Needed

First, you should figure out how much whole milk you need for your recipe before attempting to create whole milk from evaporated milk.

Remember that you’ll need about 1 cup of reconstituted evaporated milk for every cup of full milk. It’s worth noting, though, that different types of evaporated milk may have somewhat varied amounts of water.

Step 2: Measure the Evaporated Milk and Water

Mix the evaporated milk and water in a bowl or measuring cup. If you want 1 cup of whole milk, for instance, you can make it by combining 1/2 cup of evaporated milk and 1/2 cup of water. Evaporated milk’s concentration can be lowered in this way until it’s the same as that of whole milk.

Step 3: Mix Thoroughly

Combine the evaporated milk and water in a bowl and stir to combine. Make sure it’s thoroughly blended and has the same consistency as whole milk. This is an essential step in creating a consistent and smooth final product from the combination of evaporated milk and water.

Step 4: Ready to Use

You can now use the full milk you reconstituted in your cooking. It can be used for anything that calls for whole milk, including drinking, cooking, and baking. All the richness and creaminess of whole milk will be restored in the reconstituted version.

Tips and Considerations

  • Reconstituted whole milk may not have the same flavor or consistency as fresh whole milk. However, it ought to serve as a passable alternative in most cooking situations.
  • You can make it creamier by adding less water and increasing the amount of evaporated milk. Find the ideal proportions for your individual tastes by experimenting.
  • Any unused reconstituted whole milk should be consumed within three to four days. You should only make as much as you will use right away.
  • If you don’t have any evaporated milk on hand, you can use powdered milk instead. Powdered milk can be easily reconstituted by following the packaging instructions.


How To Make Whole Milk from Heavy Cream?

Here’s how to make whole milk from heavy cream:

Step 1: Gather the Ingredients and Equipment

To make whole milk from heavy cream, you will need:

  • 1 cup of heavy cream
  • 1 cup of water
  • Blender or whisk

Step 2: Measure and Combine the Ingredients

Combine half a cup each of heavy cream and water in a bowl or measuring cup. In order to get the correct consistency, it’s important that the measurements be precise.

Step 3: Blend or Whisk the Mixture

Heavy cream and water should be blended or whisked together until smooth. This will aid in emulsifying the two components and producing a uniform texture.

Step 4: Adjust the Thickness (Optional)

Add more water and combine or whisk again if you want your homemade whole milk to be thinner. The consistency can be adjusted by adding extra heavy cream if desired. You can change the ratios to achieve the thickness you want.

Step 5: Store and Use

After the ingredients have been combined, store them in a container with a tight-fitting lid or wrap them in plastic. Hold off on using it until you can chill it in the fridge. 

Tips and Considerations

  • Heavy cream has a larger fat content than whole milk, so keep that in mind. As a result, the handmade whole milk will have a more luscious and velvety body.
  • Soups and scones, for example, benefit from the addition of heavy cream because of their ability to create a denser texture. It smoothes out the texture in your mouth and amplifies the flavor.
  • When whipping heavy cream for use as a topping or in desserts, confectioner’s sugar can be added for sweetness and stability.
  • To replace whole milk in recipes, lighten the cream with water. However, it might not be the best choice for dishes that call for curdling or a distinct milk flavor.


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