How to Clean Traeger Grill?

Photo by Z Grills Australia on Unsplash

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Isn’t it a fun activity to use the Traeger grill and cook your favourite food every weekend? It surely is a fun activity that a family can have together. However, what about the cleaning part? Is that fun too? Certainly not. 

In fact, many individuals are not even sure about how to clean their Traeger grills. Does it require a lot of water or some special kind of product? Can it be done at home? Is it time taking? Or is it simple?

 There are many such questions that need to be answered and for that, we’re here with this guide where we are going to talk about how to clean the Traeger grill. 

So let’s take a scroll ahead-


Steps to clean the Trager grill

Let us follow these 7 easy steps and clean the grill now-

Step 1- Spray some cleaner

First of all, before you begin to remove the components of your Traeger grill, we suggest you first use some natural cleaner and spray it all over your grill. 

Step 2- Take out the grill gates

Now you have to take out all the components such as grill gates, drip tray, heat baffle and all other stuff that can be taken out. Remove them all.

Step 3- Wipe it down 

Now with the help of a cleaning towel, scrub it all over. However, please ensure that you do not use any heavy brush or such item that can cause damage to your grates.

Step 4- Remove old foil

You will find the old foil inside. If it is too old and you haven’t changed it yet, ensure that you dump it in a dustbin. 

Step 5- Vacuum the grill

Now you need to start vacuuming your grill. Ensure that you do it with some gloves on for your safety purposes. Do not forget the firepot part. 

Step 6- Scrub inside

Again, use your cleaning towel and start scrubbing inside and ensure that you clean it thoroughly. Don’t be harsh. Also, keep using some cleaning spray and then scrub it. Allow it to sit for a few minutes. Wipe it all again.

Tip– You can use anything such as soapy water, vinegar, non-chemical cleaner or some market-based product. 

Step 7- Insert all the parts back

Now since the cleaning part is already done, you can easily insert all the grill parts back into it. Adjust it all to their respective places and it’s done. However, make sure that all the components are completely dried. 


Wrapping up,

And that’s it. This is how you can very easily clean your Traeger grill. Even though it looked complicated and confusing, it wasn’t at all. If you have read all the steps carefully, we bet it wouldn’t have taken more than 15 minutes to clean your entire grill. However, if you’re still unsure about a step mentioned, then feel free to comment below and let us know. 





1- How often should I clean my grill?

Although it depends on how often you use your grill, it is recommended to clean your grill at least 2-3 times per week. In general, if you have used it for more than 18-20 hours, it is high time to clean your grill.

2- What should I use to clean the grill?

You can use anything such as a mild detergent, soapy water, vinegar, chemical-free cleanser or any market-based product to clean your grill. However, please do not use bleach or such products to clean it.

3- Why is it important to change the foil on the drip tray?

If you are not changing the aluminium foil on your drip tray and it has become old, chances are very high that it can catch some greasy fire and thus, it is vital to keep changing it to avoid fire.

4- Can I pressure wash my Traeger?

The straight answer to this question is no, you should not pressure wash your Traeger grill. If you’re applying too much water or some chemical-based product, it will damage the grill. 


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