How Long Do Egg Whites Last in the Fridge?

Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash

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Eggs are an important part of the diet, and people have lately started consuming at least one egg a day due to their high protein content. But one instant that’s quite common with eggs is breaking them on your way home. 

My brother always does this, and we have to store the egg whites separately in a container. I still remember when my brother was on a strict protein diet and needed only egg whites. Even then, my mother used to separate the whites from the yolks and store them in a container. 

Regarding the storage of egg whites, one major concern many people have is the time for which egg whites remain good in the fridge. If you are on this page, I believe you also want the answer. 

Typically, egg whites can remain fresh for around 4 to 5 days in the fridge, but this majorly depends on how you store them. If your storage method is apt, this time might go up to a week. However, if the method you use doesn’t work well for the egg whites, they can perhaps go bad early. 

I have compiled a detailed guide for you explaining the life of egg whites in the fridge. I will also share some useful storage methods and tips with you for increasing the storage time of your egg whites and will also provide you with some factors that can tell you whether the whites have gone bad or not.


For How Long Do Egg Whites Last In the Fridge? 

The storage life of egg whites in the fridge is much shorter than that of a whole egg enclosed in its shell. Typically, an egg white stored in an airtight container can stay fresh in the refrigerator for around 4 days, after which you might notice a weird smell. 

Storing egg whites out of the egg shells makes them much thinner and bouncier, directly affecting their storage time. But, as I have mentioned above, the storage time of an egg white in the fridge largely depends on the storage conditions. 

If you want to keep the liquid egg whites in the fridge for a long time, you must ensure they are always kept cold. Even a slight fluctuation in the temperature inside the refrigerator can adversely affect the whites. 

For storing egg whites, the optimum conditions to keep in mind are a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius or below and far from the warm air drafts that could get to the whites when the fridge is opened. Sticking to these optimal conditions can increase the storage life of egg whites to up to 10 days. 


Methods for Storing Egg Whites 

Now that you know of the storage life of egg whites in the fridge and have understood what can increase or decrease this time, let me share some effective methods you can use to store egg whites. 

Method #1: In the Refrigerator/Fridge 

The first method to store egg whites is refrigerating them. For this, all you need to do is follow the steps below: 

  1. Break the eggshells and use your hand or a yolk separator to separate egg whites from yolks. 
  2. Once the yolks are separated, add them to a container and keep them aside. 
  3. Collect the liquid egg whites in an airtight container and put them in the fridge. 
  4. Use the temperature control dial or screen to reduce the temperature of your fridge to 4 degrees Celsius. 
  5. Keep the container containing egg whites in the fridge where multiple things cover them in the front. 
  6. Do not store the egg whites in a place where the warmth from the outside as you open the fridge’s door could reach them. 
  7. Use them before they go bad, i.e., within 4 days. 

Method #2: In the Freezer 

Freezing the liquid egg whites can extend their storage time to 10 days. Here is how you can freeze them: 

  1. Separate egg whites from yolks while breaking the eggs. You can use your hands or an egg yolk separator for this. 
  2. Once the whites are separated, shift them to an airtight container. 
  3. Make some space in the freezer and keep the container in a place where the liquid whites can stay frozen all the time. 

You have successfully stored your egg whites for the next 10 days. Ensure to use them within this time frame to keep them from going rancid. 

Method #3: Using Ice Tray 

This method also requires you to freeze the liquid egg whites, but this time you store them for excessive use in recipes. 

Here is what you need to do for this: 

  1. Separate egg whites from yolks and place them in a container. 
  2. Take out an empty ice cube tray. 
  3. Use a spoon or any other stainer to fill the empty cubes on the ice tray with liquid egg whites. 
  4. Once all the cubes are filled, cover the tray with its lid, if it has one. 
  5. Now, open the freezer and keep the ice tray in the ice tray section, if present. Otherwise, place the tray in the last area of the freezer. 

You can now easily use the egg whites for the next few days. 


How To Tell If Egg Whites Have Gone Bad? 

Although the above storage methods can help you increase the storage time of egg whites and will keep them fresh for a long time, they still can’t prevent the egg whites from going bad for a long time. 

But for beginners who have never stored egg whites before, it’s hard to tell whether the egg whites are safe to eat or not. Don’t fret; if this is your first time storing egg whites and you have no clue how to tell when they go bad, I have enlisted some factors to help you figure this out. 

  • Appearance/Look 

The first thing that can help you know if your egg whites are safe to eat or not is their look or appearance. Naturally, homemade and market-based egg whites are transparent with a hint of yellow in them. You would never see any other colour in the whites. 

However, if you see some other colours, especially red or some discolouration happening in the egg whites, this is a clear indication of the whites going bad. 

Additionally, egg whites are typically cloudy in appearance; over time, this cloudiness disappears as the egg ages. But if you see the whites stored in your refrigerator without any blurriness and clearly see their transparency, this also means that the whites have gone bad and aren’t safe to be consumed any longer. 

  • Fragrance 

The next thing you need to look out for to determine if your egg whites have gone bad is their smell. Fresh egg whites are almost bland and don’t have a noticeable fragrance or smell. 

But if, upon opening the airtight container containing the egg whites, a terrible and unavoidable smell hits your nostrils, it means your egg whites have gone bad. The odour from spoiled egg whites is more like a “rotten egg” smell and has a hint of sulphuric acid, which strongly indicates that your egg whites can no longer be consumed. 

  • Consistency 

Next up on the list is the consistency or texture of the egg whites. As I have mentioned above, the usual appearance of egg whites is cloudy. Similarly, their texture is flowy and thick initially, with all the particles following each other. 

However, as the egg ages, the texture starts getting runnier and its albumen, i.e., little stringy bits, also thinner. If you notice this, rest assured that your egg whites are not safe to be consumed now. 

  • Mould 

Though the mould on the egg white is followed by a strong, pungent smell, which will tell you about the white going bad, mould is still a strong indication of this. If you notice signs of mould on the egg whites, don’t think twice before tossing them in the garbage can. 

You can even notice green particles floating around in the egg whites, which is the first stage before the appearance of mould in the whites. The moment you see the green particles in the white, get rid of the whites. 

  • Taste

The last thing that will indicate that your egg whites cannot be consumed and have gone completely bad is their taste. Though, due to the appearance of most of the signs I have talked about earlier, you would rarely get to taste the egg whites; this is sometimes your last resort. 

When egg whites go bad, you can get a hint of sulphur and a rotten-food-like taste. However, it is advisable not to swallow the egg white for this factor as it might lead to food poisoning. Just give it a taste test using the tip of your tongue, and if you sense something terrible with the taste, throw the whites away. 



Is It Safe to Eat Eggs After 20 Days? 

Whole eggs typically remain fresh and last for 3 to 5 weeks. If stored properly, eggs can still be fresh to consume even after 5 weeks, but their freshness won’t be the same as the first day; there are still no adverse health effects accompanying them. 

Are Egg Whites Safe to Eat After 1 Week? 

Yes, if egg whites are correctly stored, i.e., in an airtight container or are frozen, they would be all fresh and safe to be consumed even after one week. Though their texture and consistency might become thinner and less bouncy, you can still eat them. 

What Is the Reason for Egg Whites Turning Black? 

The apparent reason for egg whites turning black and spotting black or brown spots on their albumen is overcooking. Fortunately, egg burning or overcooking won’t infuse any adverse effects and would be safe for you to consume. 

For How Long Can Whole Eggs Last Without Refrigerator/On Countertop? 

Unwashed whole eggs can typically remain safe on a countertop for around two to three weeks. However, storing them in the refrigerator can increase this to about two to three months. 

Whis Is Healthier; egg yolk or egg white? 

The Egg yolk is enriched with many nutrients, including iron, zin, calcium, manganese, copper, folate, vitamin B6 and B12, making it much healthier than egg white. 

Is Eating Egg White Every Day Safe? 

Yes, eating egg white daily, i.e., consuming seven eggs throughout the entire week, is entirely safe and doesn’t lead to serious health problems. However, if you don’t want too much cholesterol, eat only the white portion and skip the egg yolk. 

How To Tell If an Egg Is Expired? 

To determine if an egg is expired, fill an empty bowl with cold water. Now, place the eggs in the bowl. If the eggs sink to the bottom of the bowl and stay flat on the bowl’s sides, they are not yet expired and are completely safe to eat. 

On the contrary, if they are a few weeks old, they will sink to the bottom but side to one end. Expired eggs, on the other hand, won’t sink to the bowl’s bottom and will keep floating on the surface of the water. 

For How Long Do Whole Eggs Stay Good In the Fridge? 

Whole eggs, if stored properly, i.e., in the container dedicated to them in the refrigerator, can last for around four to six weeks in the fridge. However, when it comes to whole eggs, they rarely go bad and can even be safe to consume numerous weeks after their “Best-by” date, considering that they are appropriately stored. 

What Is the Storage Time of Egg Yolks In the Fridge? 

Egg yolks can last for two to three days in the fridge. However, as time passes, the yolk will become much runnier and won’t taste the same. 

For How Long Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Stay Good In the Fridge? 

The hard-boiled eggs, whether you peel them or not, can stay fresh in the refrigerator for around seven days. However, as far as peeled hard-boiled eggs are concerned, it’s best to use them within the same day of boiling. Also, store the peeled eggs in an airtight container before refrigerating them. 


Conclusion – How Long Do Egg Whites Last in the Fridge?

In this guide, I have taken you through a simple answer to the question regarding the storage life of egg whites in the fridge. I also provided you with some efficient storage methods to add to your egg whites’ storage life. 

Additionally, I explored some factors or signs that will tell you if your egg whites have gone bad or not. Lastly, I included some questions about eggs and their storage time you might have in your mind. 

Hopefully, this write-up has all you need to know about egg whites, and you won’t have to roam around searching for your answers concerning eggs and their storage lives. 


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